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Vodafone Group had developed an “Always on Marketing” vision; changing how Vodafone builds relationships with their customers through highly personalised and contextually relevant communications, orchestrated across all touchpoints in real-time.

Vodafone had invested in Pega Marketing as the decisioning engine to enable this vision but the utilisation machine learning and Next Best Action was limited and not always on.

Vodafone required a team of experts to deliver the operating model for the channel-less, real-time customer decisioning engine. This required next to functional experts local excellence with deep experience in embedding technology and process into organisations. This team was the integrated force to deliver a new way of building always-on customer relationships across CXM and media in a highly competitive vertical.


Merkle designed an operating blueprint, focussing on people, process and culture and detailing ways of working across all elements of Vodafone’s business, taking into account agile concepts, our own NBA best practice and understanding the data-rich nature of the telco industry.

We did not want to deliver the “Merkle model” to Vodafone – instead, we wanted this to be a workable solution that could be owned by their local markets to facilitate adoption across all 21 OpCos. As such, Merkle built the operating model collaboratively with four of Vodafone’s biggest markets: TK, DE, ES & UK, and then worked with Vodafone Group in providing adoption plans for and dynamic templates for the remaining markets.

The result was a series of highly tailored operating blueprints across marketing, digital and platform teams, delivered in a dynamic and easy to navigate format, sponsored by Vodafone’s leading markets, supporting a roadmap for change.

This also included options for a centralised decisioning team for markets that could not run this independently, giving flexibility to markets based on size and maturity.


  • + 7% Average Revenue per User (ARPU)

  • 12% Increase in Offer Acceptance

  • 6x Greater variety of offers to customer (with the same staff)

  • 3x Value generated through NBAs

  • 5x Response rate to offers using adaptive modelling

  • 80% Decisions immediately actionable



Transforming to always on customer engagement
across CXM and media to maximise value

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