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Image by Leon Ephraïm


dentsu as in-housing consultant and partner


In 2019, Arla made a decision to outsource a large number of roles and set up its own internal agency, The Barn.


Arla, The Barn and dentsu created an agency partnership, which the parties describe as the strongest in the 20 or so years that Arla have collaborated with the agency.  Understanding that Arla is a classic TV advertiser, we took bold risks to understand the effectiveness of more nuanced platforms and paid social channels where we can create a greater effect in attention
and performance.


Our team put together a different skillset – we added several digital strategy specialists to a

core team of profiles that knew Arla well. The Just Add Some Cheese campaign seriously experimented with both TikTok and Snapchat for the first time. The insourcing and collaboration means that Arla gets much more out of its marketing budget, as they save on expensive links and the media budget is used more efficiently. Analysing a wider mix of channels that have the greatest emotional impact and determining the ones that get the most attention made sure we had the right mix, and an advanced understanding of effectiveness to a far greater extent than before.

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